I am a British professional chef of Russian origin, thriving for the excellence in modern cuisine, new experience, self-development & carrier opportunity. I love to experiment with molecular cuisine and create unique bouquets of tastes, colours and aromas!
I attend culinary classes and regularly travel abroad. These opportunities give me the chance to try new foods and experience different cultures, so once I come back, I am creative, inspired and motivated! Also, working as a chef in exceptional places, like Oblix@Shard or Annabel's, I have a high chance of meeting celebrities, get to know famous or prominent personalities, and be able to serve them with an excellent cuisine!
Since my early days in the restaurant industry, I had a great chance to work with famous chefs, such as Gary Rhodes (The Rhodes, Plymouth), Gordon Ramsey (Maze, London), and famous chef Marco Pierre White; and also in great, elegant, stylish London landmarks, such as Oblix @ Shard and currently at Annabel's privite members club, both in London.
Further publications regarding professional activities are here below:
"Angliya"newspaper, published in the UK - Nr 10(220) 19.03.2010;
"Angliya"newspaper, article "Вкус Лондона", 2006;
"Pulse UK" newspaper, published in the UK - Nr 4 (446) 29 January 2015;
"Pulse UK" newspaper - Nr 6 (448) 12 February 2015;
Youtube video Molecular gastronomy (Eng) -Artur Kovyazin, Moscow, Nov 2009
Youtube video Molecular gastronomy - European Culinary Cup (Eng), Moscow, March 2009
Youtube video Молекулярная кухня - Европейский Кубок шеф-поваров (Ru) 2009, Москва, 2009
Youtube video How to cook Russian pelmeni (En), Moscow, Aug 2010
I am happy to hear your comment or opinion, or if you wish to get in touch with me for professional services. I treat every person individually and deem to respond upon my earliest possibility. Othewrise, find me on social channels and I shall be glad to add you as my friend. I also ask my friends, such as Beauty therapist Dana, my suppliers, partners and colleagues join my social circle. See you on socials!